Spreading Hope…a hat at a time.

Posts tagged ‘micro preemie’

The Biggest Contribution Yet!

The American Heart Association from Atlanta, Georgia sent us 4 boxes full of red baby hats, which is the largest shipment we have ever received! The hats are all red, but different sizes and styles to raise awareness for February, which is American Heart month!

Baby Hats

We were quite surprised and amazed by how many hats were shipped to us! We will start counting, labeling and getting these ready for the deliveries.

Thank you for finding us and thinking of sending these to spread hope and love!

110 Red Sweet Hearts

A new friend, Barbara from Georgia made 110 red baby beanies in various sizes and styles for the American Heart Association.  She later found out that they had discontinued this project and sought us out!  Aren’t we lucky she did?

110 Red Baby Hats

We will donate these red sweetheart hats in honor of today, Valentine’s Day to a local NICU to spread love and hope!

Barbara’s note reads:

These are the hats as per our email conversation.

Hope they work

Any feedback would be welcome.

Hope to make some adult hats now.

We walk in faith and believe in God’s plan.  We are grateful you found us and hope that you will continue to want to contribute to Knitting Rays of Hope!

Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Thank you!

A Win-Win for Wendy and Us

A new friend, Wendy in Utah sends us these adorable hats and booties for babies.

Baby Hats & Booties

Wendy’s note reads:

Please find enclosed a number of hats and a pair of baby booties.  The hats are of various sizes.  I am glad to have found your site where I can send donations.  I have some new yarn, and left over yarn and wanted it to be put to good use, and to make good use of the spare time I have.  My home is pet-free and smoke-free.  I have taught myself to knit and find it therapeutic with stress relief as well, so it’s a win-win thing going on here.  I love seeing all the various projects you post on Facebook and I thought, “Finall, now I know where to send my work!”

We are so glad you found us and sent us your creations! Thank you for helping us spread hope and love into the world.

Thank you!


An Amazing Delivery of 531 Baby Items

For the first portion of our delivery, we have 521 hats, 4 blanket sets (blanket and matching hats), 4 booties and 2 headbands for babies at St. Joseph in Orange County! We gathered, photographed, labeled and counted all the baby hats we received to put together this delivery.  Then we delivered several bags full of hats to our sweet friend, Melissa to do the leg work and take them to St. Joseph’s.

Baby Hat Delivery

Baby Hat Delivery

Baby Hat Delivery

We are grateful to all involved for making this happen!  This is an amazing amount of love and hope!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Bailee’s Contributions

Our friend Bailee from Auberry, California sent us these hats and headbands.


Her note reads:

Thank you for all you do!

We appreciate your generosity and are grateful that you want to spread hope and love into this world!

Thank you!

Hats for Babies

Our friend, Laura from Illinois sent us a bunch of baby hats in all different colors and sizes!

hats by laura

Her note reads:

Thank you for all you do!

We are grateful for your support and will include these in our next NICU deliver!

Thanks so much!

A Donation by Ann

Recently, Ann from New York sends us a box of knitted goodies for babies in the NICU.

hats by ann

We are so appreciative that Ann found us and chose to donate these precious items to help us spread love and hope!

Thank you!

A New Friend from Newburypost

We recently received a box full of hats for babies in the NICU from Newburypost, Massachusetts.

NICU hats

We are so excited to continue to meet new friends who want to help make the world a better place!  We make monthly deliveries in most months during the year and these will be for January in the new year!

Thank you!

A Christmas Delivery for the Babies

Late last week, we delivered these 9 blankets and 37 hats to our dear friend Melissa to take these into the babies in the NICU at St. Joe’s.


9 NICU Blankets

NICU-December delivery

37 hats for babies in the NICU

I want to thank you for contributing the blankets, hats and positive thoughts to help us make this delivery possible.  We are making a difference- that’s a fact!  Let’s keep spreading hope in the world!

Thank you!


Under the Rainbow

Our new friend, Mary from Linden, California sent us 2 boxes full of hats and booties — over 200 adorable hats in all different colors and styles!

Box 1

Box 2

Mary recently had hip replacement surgery and so she knitted as she recovered!    We are pretty impressed as Mary (73) is very youthful in her spirit and heart!  We are so grateful to receive so many hats for the babies in the local Neonatal Intensive Care Units!

She sent a very adorable card that reads

I lvoe this card called “Under the Rainbow.”  I feel it encompasses what you do for so many little ones out there!

Thank you! Thank you!  Thank you!