Spreading Hope…a hat at a time.


We are proud to announce a new partnership that we have formed with Kid Knits. Below is Kristin’s inspiring words about our new partnership:

When someone else’s passionate desire to spread hope and rays of sunshine to a hurting world happens to use yarn and a round loom as a means to that end, we at KidKnits can’t help but reach out to learn more. Reaching out to Knitting Rays of Hope introduced us to two amazing women doing tremendous work to support children and families battling cancer and illness in their lives. This duo is bringing rays of sunshine to these families through the delivery of handmade, heartfelt, and HOPE-filled knitted hats and they use, of all things, round loom knitting, the same type of knitting that we use with our KidKnits kits. We immediately felt a connection with this grass-roots organization and are excited about announcing a partnership with them.

Pali and Vanessa, the duo responsible for Knitting Rays of Hope, https://knittingraysofhope.wordpress.com/about/, have been knitting and sharing their hats with chemo warriors, NICU babies, and children battling various diseases. Their desire to show their support for families battling illness is contagious; which explains why in just over a year, they have already delivered almost 900 hats. They also teach others how to loom knit which contributes to a steady flow of hats delivered to patients around our country.

KidKnits was founded by a young girl who wished to share the message that “You’re never too young to change a life on the other side of the world,” and found an opportunity to do that by teaching young people how to knit with handspun yarn imported from women facing the challenges of extreme poverty in their lives each day. Changing lives around the world is exactly what connects the communities of KidKnits and Knitting Rays of Hope. Whether the changed life be that of a widow working to lift her family up out of desperate poverty through spinning and selling her yarn or that of a young child demonstrating the strength of the human spirit through his battle with illness, we share the same dream of spreading hope, love, support, and charity.

With KidKnits, we have learned, in our many classes of students, that children want to reach out and help those who are hurting in this world. We have also learned that so many children have been touched by cancer and, when the power of philanthropy is in their hands, they overwhelmingly want to reach out to serve this community. We believe that what a partnership with Knitting Rays of Hope is doing is opening the door for KidKnits kids to help serve this community – opening the door for them to their share handmade and heartfelt love and support.

We will happily direct the many people who would like to know where to donate their finished KidKnits hats to Knitting Rays of Hope. In fact, we have already been contacted by a young group of KidKnits kids who want to donate their hats, but also want to connect and support the recipients of their hats through emails, cards, and warm wishes. Their desire is to knit together a story of hope around the world. Imagine the stories from around the globe literally knitted together into a simple hat, a simple hat spun, created, and worn to represent the powerful interconnection of the human spirit. We can all truly work together to change a life anywhere around the world, and we can’t help but be hopeful about this potential.

If you know of someone battling with disease who would like to connect with a KidKnits kid through Knitting Rays of Hope, please email kristin@kidknits.org or knittingraysofhope@gmail.com. We hope to reach out to our communities and connect several KidKnits kids and Knitting Rays of Hope families this fall. Contact us now to start the connection.

We are so excited about this new partnership and hope that many of you will be interested in fostering a relationship between your child and a KidKnit child. Those that are interested contact us at: knittingraysofhope@gmail.com. Please go to the KidKnits page and show them some love.

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