Spreading Hope…a hat at a time.

Hi There!


We know it’s been a long time, but we are back!  Yippee!  We are excited to be back, and I personally am grateful to overcome my latest medical difficulties with a DVT, which were very scary and frustrating.  Over the summer, we continued to receive contributions!  We are extremely appreciative of our loyal and new friends who generously contribute to the Knitting Rays of Hope cause!  We realize we are behind on posting the pictures and will get on it very soon.  We are also very excited to begin preparing some shipments for babies in the NICU and pediatric oncology units.

Thank you for your patience and support during our break and we are so happy to be back! 🙂

Comments on: "Hi There!" (6)

  1. helensamia said:

    Glad you are back 😃


  2. Sheilaklh49 said:

    So sorry to hear you were ill. Glad you have recuperated. I am a fairly knew loomer & have toddler sized hats I would like to donate. Are you registered with the Better business bureaus charitable organization? Just trying to find out a little information about your organization. I love looming & really want to bless the children you reach out to. Be blessed, Sheila Sent from my T-Mobile Android device


    • Thank you for the well wishes! Currently we are a grassroots campaign with the majority of the yarn, tools (looms, needles & hooks) and shipping costs paid for by ourselves. If we grow large enough, we would like to become a 503(c) foundation in the future. We have not registered with the BBB, the IRS or anything formal as of yet. We accept contributions and send out monthly shipments to local hospitals that we blog about. Hope to hear from you soon.


  3. Marsha said:

    Glad to hear you are on the mend.


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